Friday Five – Fruit of the Spirit

Over at RevGalBlogPals it’s Friday Five time and today they are talking about fruit! 1. What was your favorite fruit when you were a child? Is that still your favorite, or have your tastes changed? Apples were my favourite growing up, except for tangerines at Christmas time and since I try and eat mostly local,…

Following the Star

As was mentioned in the promotional material, the idea for this series came from a conversation I had with someone in December when I asked her to serve communion one Sunday morning and was told, “But I have jeans on!” My immediate response was, “Jesus doesn’t care!” It got me to thinking about what else…

Star Word – Prayer

I used ‘Star Words’ with my congregations once again this year. I am starting my third year of Interim Ministry with them. The word I drew my first year was daring, what a perfect word for the start of interim ministry! You can read about it here. The second year, my word was understanding. That didn’t…

Letting Go

We are celebrating Epiphany all month long. I am going to read you a few verses from Matthew 2 that tell of the wise men and their visitation to Jesus. In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men[a] from the East came to Jerusalem, 2 asking, “Where is…