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It’s Remembrance Day next Saturday… A day set aside to remember all men, women and children who have died and who continue to die as a result of war. They lost their tomorrows… And we lost their tomorrows. The world lost and continues to lose the potential of so many people. Not just people living in this mostly safe country…

Leadership of the Saints?

This is a week where I have been heartily wishing that we hadn’t switched to the Narrative Lectionary! Even after doing A LOT of research, I was still wishing that. But part of the reason we made the decision to switch was so that we read passages like what you’re going to hear in a…


If things had gone according to six months of planning, I, along with 23 other United Church folks from across the country, would have landed in Tel Aviv this morning for a ‘Come and See’ Pilgrimage’ through Israel/Palestine. Along with feelings of relief and disappointment, and I recognize the privilege of those feelings, I have…

The ‘Bentures Continue!

My youngest granddaughter and I used to have ‘bentures’ when she spent time with me, because she couldn’t say adventure. This week, my mother and I are having bentures, exploring the past!

Geographic Memories!

My mother and I are spending a week in Manitoba, it’s where she grew up and this pool is located in her hometown of Altona, where we lived for a year. It’s also the place where we came for many weekends and holidays when we lived only 200 miles away. This is the pool where…

Rental Car Fun!

The fun all started when I was handed a fob with no key… Can anyone see how to start the car? Anyone??? I had to concede defeat and ask for help. Who decided shifting gears with a DIAL is a good idea? And then, I am in MANITOBA, what I am doing driving around with…

Great Joy!

So many verbs in 9 short verses: Spoke… written… opened… understand… written… suffer… rise… change…preached… sending… stay… furnished… led… lifted… blessed… left… taken… worshipped… returned… overwhelmed… praising…