Friday Five – busy, busy, busy

Sugar Moon Farm October 2015

Sugar Moon Farm
October 2015

Yes, it is a busy season in the church year… although after 11 years of ministry, I am still searching for that illusory ‘not-busy’ time. Over at Revgals, the Friday Five is all about the changing seasons.

  1. What sums up Autumn – or Fall – or Spring if you’re in the southern hemisphere –  in a word or a picture? Crisp! I love the chilly nights snuggled into a down comforter.  
  2. What are you doing outside this month, that you’re not likely to do again until next year? Weeding, or I SHOULD be weeding, trimming, preparing my flower and shrub beds for the winter… but the reality is that I will probably not do much. Besides, I have heard that the old, dead growth provides a habitat for wildlife and beneficial insects. 
  3. what preparations are you making to get ahead of the busyness? I got together with some colleagues and spent a day planning Advent/Christmas. Now, November is another story… 
  4. what is changing, moving, evolving in your church life? My one year appointment at my current church will finish at the end of the year and I am exploring options and possibilities.  
  5. and, for fun… what do you do to stop the busy? Today after a funeral, I plan to walk my favourite beach. Next week I get my almost 6 year old granddaughter for a night and day when there is no school, and I am headed to Florida with my three sisters and mother a few days after that. I don’t usually take vacation time in the fall, but the timing worked for all of us. And while there are a few places I would like to go to while in Florida, we may spend much of our days at the beach. We are Canadian, October is still beach weather in Florida! 

7 thoughts on “Friday Five – busy, busy, busy

  1. In northern CA it is still hot and dry. I am looking forward to our crisp days. Your leaf photo is beautiful. I am also looking forward to when our foliage changes color.
    Walking along the beach is my fave activity. For five years we lived 10 minutes away from the ocean (Felixstowe, England) and it was a “dream” place to live.

    Getting away with your mom and sisters sounds delightful – especially since the ocean is involved.

    Any time spent with a grandchild is special. Hurray that is happening for you soon. I get to have my grand daughter at the end of the month (22 months old).

    I am here from revgalblogpals. Have a great week.

  2. Hmm, Five.
    1. The colours. The world comes alive. Just wish I were near the ocean.
    2. Cleaning up the garden – pulled the tomato plants – some raking and covering of plants, and a time-release fertiliser.
    3. November themes planned, starting on December and service assignment for the two theological students who come with this pastoral charge.
    4. Paperwork for the extension to the appointment. Moving towards some healing from a very difficult situation – two churches, so much hurt, Spend a lot of time just listening.
    5. Fun – thinking about the paper for the Conference in Hawaii – and counting the days till Hawaii in January….

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